Save the Dates! Tuesday, May 7th Annual Town Meeting & Monday, May 13th Annual Town Election

VOTE on the FY25 Budget, Proposition 2 1/2 Operational Override, Capital Items...
town meeting

Millis' Spring Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7th at 7:30pm at the Middle/High School Auditorium located at 245 Plain Street, Millis. The definition and history of a New England town meeting can be found at

The Select Board and Finance Committee are currently conducting meetings on a regular basis to discuss the proposed FY25 budget and town meeting warrant articles.  

The Annual Town Meeting Warrant can be found HERE.  Topics will include the FY25 Annual Budget/Proposition 2 ½ Operational Override, Capital Projects, and other important town-related matters. 

Millis' Annual Town Election will be held on Monday, May 13th from 7:00 am-8:00 pm at the Veterans Memorial Building located at 900 Main Street, Millis.  Election Warrant can be found HERE