Meet Erin LeBlanc! Teen Program Coordinator for the Recreation Department

Employee Spotlight

We have decided to start a series to give our community insight into the people who work for Millis, and help our citizens learn more about who they are, and what they do.  We greatly appreciate all our staff and the hard work they do every day to provide services to our citizens, and ensure that the Town of Millis is a great place to live!

Meet Erin LeBlanc!

Erin is the Teen Program Coordinator for the Recreation Department.  The Teen Program Coordinator is responsible for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a wide range of teen-centered programming. Program areas include, but are not limited to, arts, music, sports, technology, health and wellness, and group events.  We recently asked Erin to answer a few questions to get to know better.

How long have you worked at the Town of Millis? 1 year

How do you describe what you do for a living in one sentence? I develop programming that provides local teens with opportunities to build self-confidence, explore various interests as well as an understanding of their unique and valuable talents.

What do you like most about your job? Making connections within the community; particularly with our teens. Their energy is infectious. And well, obviously working with Krissy Fogarty, Millis Recreation Director. She's quite amazing!.   I continue to learn about the ever expansive and always growing and changing world of Recreation.

What do you find most challenging about your job? Pacing myself. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter your field? Be ok with needing to pivot now and again. Adjustments often need to happen on the fly in recreation and you need to always have a plan "B", "C" and sometimes even "D" ready and waiting.

What is your favorite recreational activity? Spending time with my kids. 

If you had unlimited funding, what would you like to provide for Millis residents to help improve the Towns’ recreational resources? I would continue to build our Adaptive and Inclusive programming in a way that could provide an increased number of programs while keeping fees reasonable.  

To find out more about our Recreation Department and the programs they offer for residents of ALL ages visit their Town website page at